What is the difference between ERP and CRM systems

ERP systems.

Through the last decades, Enterprise Resource Planning systems have appeared and evolved to help in this sector, better known as ERP , they are a type of software that allows companies to control the information that is generated in each department and each level of it.

The purpose of ERPs is to integrate departments, where before there was a specialized information system for each organ of the company, ERPs are capable of generating a clean database, where information is managed in real time and can be obtain the required data at the time you want.

Impact of ERP on the company.

The advantages of having an ERP system are many:

•             Allows integrating all business processes

•             Optimize resources in various areas:

o             Human Resources

o             Finance

o             Operations

o             And so on

•             Increase business productivity

•             Take better control of costs

•             Better control of the entire company

It is important to note that the ERP system is a powerful tool to process and interpret financial information more effectively, improving business performance both in the short and long term.

1.            In one of the modules of the system , that of company administration, it is possible to carry out comprehensive strategic planning, monitor daily performance, consolidate the business and maintain effective communication with shareholders.

2.            Another module , the treasury , allows them to measure liquidity, manage current assets and interest rates, as well as manage investment portfolios and financial transactions.

3.            Finally, the human resources module allows decision-making, optimizing the company's investment in employees; In addition, they can use empowerment for employees to get involved with the company.

The correct implementation of ERP affects the increase in productivity of all departments, as well as the best use of time.

CRM systems.

" Relationship marketing is, according to the classic definition, the process of identifying, attracting, satisfying, retaining and enhancing (and when necessary, ending) profitable relationships with the best customers and other groups, so that the objectives of the parties involved"."

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business philosophy that provides insight into the way your company wants to deal with its customers. To deliver that vision, you need a CRM strategy that shapes your sales, marketing, customer service, and data analytics activities.

The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) refers to both the business strategy, focused on selecting and managing a relationship with your best customers to optimize long - term value, as to the specific software applications required to process the information of those customers and develop that relationship.

Relationship Marketing and CRM.

The word CRM can refer to both the customer-focused business strategy and the computer applications that facilitate it. Also, CRM and relationship marketing are sometimes used synonymously .

A more technological definition of CRM is one that associates it with specific software applications or databases capable of managing the information necessary to develop the relationship on the part of the company. The CRM involves using new information technologies that have appeared in recent years on the market to try to learn more about customers, learn from them and try to establish long - term relationships with the most profitable.

The advantages of the CRM system are.

1.            Greater knowledge of the client and personalization of the treatment

2.            Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

3.            Increase in sales

4.            Service cost reduction

5.            Reduction of service costs

The great advantage that CRM systems provide is that they centralize all a customer's information, avoiding the possibility of having inconsistent or out-of-date data.

   bloggerelle  entertainmentweeklyupdates  countrylivingblog  theallureblog  technoratiblog

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