"To be or not to be" in the online world

A new format of companies breaks into the global economy, Information and Communication Technologies (hereinafter ICT) incorporate different ways of doing business and managing work, often assuming a need for adaptation of companies, and in others cases a new way of creating business. The incorporation of ICT in the company and in society , generates a more competitive environment, with a greater number of interactions and its character is global, so many influences exert that we can affirm that there is a new economic model, the digital economy.

The Network of Networks , or Internet , breaks into the business and social world, changing the rules of the game, generating new opportunities, and forcing the old structures to update themselves and bet on having an online presence , creating new strategies and incorporating new profiles of work required to stand out from the competition.

Social networks broke out with surprising force in our society, so much so that they changed the form of communication and interaction between people, and that they fully affect the business environment, which, far from being isolated, is more exposed than ever to the eyes of the public. final consumer.

To better understand the importance of the use of ICT in our company, there are several organizations in our territory that study the impact of their presence in our economy .

1.            It is the public business entity attached to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism ( MINETUR ), responsible for promoting the development of the Information Society in Spain and has a mission to carry out projects related to ICT according to strategic priorities the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society ( SETSI ), in collaboration with the autonomous communities, councils and councils, local entities and the private sector.

2.            The National Observatory of Telecommunications and the Information Society (ONTSI) (www.ontsi.red.es) , is a body attached to the public business entity is , whose main objective is the monitoring and analysis of the sector of the Telecommunications and the Information Society . It is in charge of preparing, synthesizing and systematizing different indicators, preparing studies, and offering information and current affairs services on the Information Society , and is currently the leading public Observatory on the Information Society in Spain.

The e - commerce is growing and is a popular alternative to consider for entrepreneurs to boost economic recovery . Another factor to take into account is the 23 million Internet users in Spain, of which 70% use ICTs on a daily basis, and who represent 64% of households.

Regarding more significant transformations we can highlight:

1.            The online banking , a business model that was traditionally physical has been profoundly transformed, queuing, we become operators of banking, and we ourselves carry out transactions, hired products, and work with other companies, managing in a fast our own economy.

2.            Going to the travel agency is over , there are many users who prefer to self-manage their trips, and buy last minute bargains online at Atrápalo, Logitravel or Trivago , in a single click we can make a hotel reservation anywhere in the world. world.

3.            The purchases online are part of the daily life of all, we can go to the supermarket without leaving home, saving time for the same price. Today we can buy any product anywhere in the world, and find almost anything at competitive prices, even bidding on Ebay for the same product against another user in Japan.

4.            The interaction with others such as recruitment and job search has changed dramatically, creating companies that manage employment internationally, such as Red Eures , with the online channel with InfoJobs or Infoempleo and social networks the main weapons in labor mediation and interaction between workers and companies.

However, other models are destroyed and reinvented:

1.            The music sector is in a deep depression, the Network of Networks also opens the range of illegalities, with intellectual property being the most affected, thus the audiovisual sector is deeply affected, forcing to change the business model , and redesigning what was once the music industry.

2.            Video stores and automated kiosks , as they are known so far, are also on the list of activities with a complicated future.

3.            The traditional radio also stumbles with services like Spotify or Last . fm where the user himself is the protagonist with his music, his channel, his "radio" and interacts with other users.

Most companies still do not develop online channel strategies , wasting the potential of using ICT to generate business. It is not so easy to measure the success of the Internet channel , it is necessary to carry out a detailed study with different scenarios, and to use specific techniques by suitable professionals. The lack of training and often the overflow of information from managers , generate bad business practices, think about the factor, for example, of having a person who does not have the necessary training in Community Manager , and thus entrust the management of social networks .Using economic resources on the Internet should be seen as an investment and not as an expense, it is investing in intangible assets , and this is part of our company, it is not just a showcase.

You yourself are the engine of your company, but you do not just play the game, with the emergence of social networks, customers request more attention and play the game with us from you to you.

The form of contact with the customer has radically changed, sending one-way messages (traditional advertising) does not make sense, we must take into account a new parameter: You (the person, the company).

Social Networks are changing everything . The user is the protagonist, and develops his network of contacts, with whom he shares his experiences. Participate, collaborate, give your opinion, produce content, interact.

The hiring of opinion services is the order of the day, companies specialized in the creation of positive content for products and services of companies, not because of the existence of negative opinions, but as a way of offering and encouraging the consumption of their goods.

We must consider that financial operations are necessary within our company , and we must have sufficient knowledge to face possible deviations at any given time, but having the necessary tools we can correct the problems that we encounter on a day-to-day basis.

Taking into account that in 2040 we will be around 9 billion on planet earth , and economic development will cause the average internet penetration to rise from about 10 to 15 points . We can say that the growth potential for anyone who decides to start an Internet business is simply tremendous .

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