Transformation and digital economy

An important feature of the Internet is its decentralization

The connection to the Internet is made through the Internet access service provider. Suppliers enter into interconnection agreements with each other. There are providers with their own network infrastructure, of different sizes and geographical areas.  techqueer

The networks are usually split into domains to improve efficiency and maintain greater control and security level. A domain-based network often still has a lower level of clustering, called a workgroup, in which there will typically be a single server and multiple clients.

In a communications network , the domain is the entire set of resources (storage systems, printers, etc.) that are under the control of a certain computer system.  techbizcenter

On the Internet , the domain is an entity that has been registered with a single access address (an IP address with a distinctive name), which can refer to a single server or an entire corporation.  technologywebdesign

Registering a new domain can take from one day to two weeks, depending on the connection conditions and the geographical location of the applicant. Once it is approved and registered on the Internet, updating this data around the globe takes a while, so that it is possible to see a working domain in our browser, but that others cannot see it due to the domain server system they use. .

The domain name can contain a maximum of 22 characters plus a suffix. It consists of alphanumeric characters (letters, numbers or hyphens -the WWW prefix that precedes the domain is not part of it-), accompanied by a standard web suffix (either country - two characters -, or type of institution or web - three characters -).  lifebloombeauty

The world wide web

The World Wide Web is a set of information files in the form of texts, graphics, sounds and videos, as well as links to other files. The files are identified by a universal resource locator or URL (acronym for Universal Resource Locator ), which specifies the transfer protocol, the Internet address of the machine and the name of the file.

The browsers or computer programs called browsers or browsers (Navigator, Netscape or Explorer, from Microsoft) using the protocol HTTP (the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ) to retrieve those files and pages.

New types of files are continually being developed for the WWW that contain new types of information, such as animation or virtual reality (VRML).

The advantages of the World Wide Web are:

             Location and access to information on a remote computer.

             Present documents and photos from a remote computer.

             Play videos stored on a remote computer.

             Access desired information using various network tracking and retrieval methods.

Constituent elements of the WWW :  futuretechexpert

             URL ( Universal Resource Locator ): universal system for addressing and locating a resource on the network.

             HTTP ( Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) : protocol to access a document on the WWW. The HTTP protocol does not specify exactly what is sent or how it is programmed, it only refers to the mechanism used to send and receive said information between the servers and the end user. Used since 1990, it is a standard maintained by the W3C.

             FTP ( File Transfer Protocol ): file transfer protocol.

             HTML ( Hyper Text Markup Language ): Hypertext markup language. It is the standard format for documents circulating on the World Wide Web.

             SGML ( Standard Generalized Markup Language ): standard document markup language. It is a page description standard regardless of the viewing device.

             XML - A subset of SGML that allows you to define your own tags. Combined with HTML, it gives rise to a new format: XHTML, which is a new formatting standard for web pages.

             Browser or browser : software that allows the user to consult documents on the World Wide Web . It is responsible for interpreting the labels and displaying the document on the screen.

"The key point is not whether to develop an Internet technology (companies have no choice in this regard if they want to remain competitive), but how much technology to deploy . "

And for this, a marketing strategy must be defined that allows the integration of Internet technology in all areas of the business, with a series of objectives focused on this.

The Internet marketing provides a new alternative. When the company is positioned within a marketing strategy, it must follow the following steps:

             Provide useful information to visitors. For example, the page offers lottery information on the Internet.

             Provide a sample of the service offered. For example, the newspaper El País offers the news of its edition at www.elpaí .

             Minimize text to avoid screen scrolling, so the navigator gets an overview at a glance.

             Periodically update the information with new and interesting features to attract the attention of the navigator.

             Integrate graphics generously to embellish web pages.

             Incorporate a method to collect demographic and segmentation information.

The marketing mix

The marketing mix  is made up of the so-called four P's : product, price, place and promotion . Due to the strong entry of the Internet in all areas of society, marketing is also affected and four new P's appear that contain the most important elements of this new marketing:




             Modeled predictions ( predictive modeling ).

And in all of them the big P for people is present , which is the transversal axis of Internet marketing .

The use of social networks in Spain has intensified in recent years. It is no longer a passing fad, since young and old use them daily.   techsmartinfo


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