In this post we offer you some practical advice so that you can design a good web design for your company.

When a website has an attractive web design , its positioning in search engines is better, so it will be more visible to Internet users. tc bolts

In addition, the people who visit it will be delighted and will feel driven to interact with your company.

Tips to achieve a good web design

Let's look at some tips for creating a great web design.

Define your motivation

First of all, you must be clear about why you want to develop a web page and if you really need it or is it just an idea that has gotten into your head. To carry out a project like this, it is necessary to believe that it is worth the effort and to have perseverance.

Choose the CMS or content management system

Choosing the most appropriate CMS (Content Management System) is essential, because if you make a mistake you can have many problems. Some tools that offer good results are Joomla, WordPress, PrestaShop or Magento, although the choice of one or the other will depend on the type of website you want to create.

Decide which sections your website will have

Write down the sections you want to include. This way you can later consult your initial list so as not to deviate from your objective. Start with the fundamental sections and then add more.

Design the web architecture of the site

It refers to how the pages of a website are organized. In this step you must take the sections that you have written down and place them within an outline, which will contain each of the pages of your website corresponding to the different sections and subsections. The web architecture makes it easier for visitors to navigate and helps search engines understand your page so that they can index it more quickly and easily.

In addition, if you enter keywords in the right places, you will improve the positioning of your website.

Develop your content

The texts must be clear and persuasive. And the shorter the better. Use titles and subtitles, and create different sections to make reading the texts easier. Use a font suitable for the style and theme of your website. The most important thing is that it can be read without problems on the PC screen at a distance of 1 m.

To include photographs , one possibility is to search for them on Wikipedia or other websites that contain images that you can use by simply adding a caption indicating the author or the source website. However, whenever possible, it is best to use original photographs. You can do them yourself with your smartphone or with a digital camera. Of course, it is important that the images you use weigh little, so as not to slow down the loading of the website. You may have to modify them with Photoshop to make them lighter.

The video , meanwhile, is the best audiovisual tool that you can incorporate into your website. You may find it uncomfortable or embarrassing to record yourself on video and then expose yourself to your website visitors, but if you overcome your fears, you will have an advantage over those websites that do not use this resource. You don't need professional-quality recording equipment. Just use your mobile.

Essential sections on a website

Some sections are basic or mandatory and must be present on every website:


It is essential, because it allows people who visit your website to contact you. It is convenient that you include your contact information on all pages of your website.

Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ

You can collect the questions that users of your website ask you and then create a FAQ page ( Frequently Asked Questions ) that your visitors can consult to clarify their doubts.

Mandatory legal texts

You must include the legal texts required by the different laws and regulations. Incorporating them does not involve too much work and offers a more professional image of the company, with which you will gain credibility with your clients.

There are three elements that are required by law on any website:

•Legal notice: In accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSICE).

•Privacy policy: In compliance with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD).

•Cookie Notice : In accordance with these laws, when the user visits the website for the first time, they must be asked to accept the cookie policy .

Laws and regulations related to privacy and data protection are relatively new, but it is mandatory to comply with them if we do not want to expose ourselves to lawsuits and penalties.


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